Heidelberg is a beautiful city in Germany, which is currently my home as I pursue my Master's studies here. Here, I've put together some useful student-centric resources one might find handy to explore this city and make the most of one's time in Heidelberg.
Page Last Updated: 20 Oct 2023 (This page is in active development!)
For fun:
Job portal: https://www.stw.uni-heidelberg.de/de/online_jobboerse
City webcams in Heidelberg: https://www.wetteronline.de/webcam/heidelberg
Finding accommodation in Heidelberg can be very difficult, especially if you are an international student. The best advice is to start early and stay consistent. Here are a few links that can be used by students to get accommodation leads:
Studierendenwerk Heidelberg: https://www.stw.uni-heidelberg.de/ (cheap and reliable accommodation for students but very hard to get!)